About NNPP
About NNPP
The New Nigeria People's Party (NNPP) is a people-oriented mass movement Party, with structures spread across the length and breadth of Nigeria and in diaspora. It took part in all the elections during the 2023 General Elections and came fourth, winning seats both in the Executive and legislature.About NNPP
- To uphold and defend the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
- To ensure adequate protection of lives and properties of all within and outside Nigeria.
- The Attainment of political power through legitimate, democratic and constitutional means for the purpose of building an egalitarian society predicated on the principles of equity, freedom and social justice.
- To organize branches throughout the federations, sponsor candidates and canvass for votes for their election into all elective offices in all ties of government.
- 5. To provide the basic necessities of life, i.e qualitative mass education, free primary health care, food and water, housing, roads, security, economic empowerment for all Nigerians.
- To maintain, and promote the secularism of the Nigerian State, instill religious tolerance and mutual harmony among all Nigerians.
- To undertake activities and adopt any measures or policies which shall be aimed at improving the general conditions and well-being of all Nigerians.
- To promote active participation of Nigerians in the strategic sectors of the economy.
- To promote active participation of Nigerians in the strategic sectors of the economy.
- To foster, ensure and defend freedom of the press and the fundamental freedom and human right of all Nigerians.
- To promote the development of science and technology and bring to the benefit of Nigerians abundant opportunities of the global village.
- Encouragement of the full development of the political, cultural, social and economic potentials of the Nigerian women and creation of opportunities for empowerment.
- To create access to information for sustenance of democracy.
- To alleviate poverty, eliminate corruption, want, ignorance, discrimination of all kinds, and exploitation in our society.
- To create massive job opportunities for gainful employment for all Nigerians who are able and willing to work, and to secure for workers of all grades the full fruits and benefits of their labour.
- To protect and enhance the interest of peasant workers and farmers of Nigeria and obtains for them the best returns for their labour.
- The observance of open democratic process in all organs of the party, Government, state and to defend the sovereignty of the people.
- The development of the Nigerian youth through the establishment and sustenance of social, cultural and sporting activities.
- The development of leadership capable of effectively managing national institutions and resources, as well as create conditions for the development of the potentials of Nigerians.
- To co-operate with trade union organizations and corporate movements in Nigeria with a view to developing and maintaining economic progress.
Economic Policy Framework

To enhance the productivity of the small-scale farmers, the NNPP government will ensure Adequate provision of agricultural inputs, especially fertilizer, improve seedlings herbicides, germicides as well as access and feeder roads within farm settlements

NNPP recognizes the important position of the small-scale farmers, but will also encourage the development of mechanized farming by private entrepreneurs where appropriate. In such case foreign investment will be encouraged.

The NNPP government shall encourage the development and growth of the livestock sub-sector so as to improve the dietary conditions of Nigerian as well as ear foreign exchange ii. The party shall enhance livestock production by providing adequate grazing grounds, water facilities, disease control and other modern veterinary services as well as safety of livestock farmers and nomadic herdsman.

An NNPP government will encourage the production and harvesting of fish from deep-seatawling, fresh water and fish farm sources. In furtherance these, we will i. Develop aquaculture in those ecological zones best suited for it ii. Encourage the production of hooks nets boats and other imputes iii. Encourage Nigerians and corporate interest to go into commercial fishing iv. Encourage regular training programmes for fish farmers v. Promote fishing co-operatives

The NNPP Government will preserve arid protect the nation’s forest
resources by:
i. Discouraging indiscriminate felling of trees.
ii. Enlightening citizens on the evils of bush burning.
iii. Strengthening the forest rehabilitation and afforestation programmes
though tree planting nation-wide.
iv. Encouraging the use of gas, coal and solar energy as means of
conserving our forest resources.

The River Basins shall be fully developed and strengthened to undertake greater water resources development, nationwide. This is with a view to intensifying agricultural production through all-season cultivation of crops. Farming shall become an all season affairs, thereby ensuring greater land utilization for enhance production.

NNPP government will ensure ready markets coo stable prices for farm produce through direct purchase by Government of excess produce to maintain and reinforce the nation’s strategic reserve of some essential crops, particularly grains. Export of agricultural and allied products will be permitted only after local needs have been satisfactory met.

Mining and petroleum/petrochemical industries constitute major sources of the nation’s wealth their exploitation for the overall growth of the economy is a major policy thrust

i. The development and improvement of all highways major, intra and
intercity roads;
ii. Adequate funding and strengthening of bodies engaged in the
construction of feeder roads; especially at state and local Government.
iii. Reviewing and strengthening the Mass Transit programme Reviewing of
duties on completely knocked down parts needed by local motor
assembly plants so as to bring down the price of locally assembled
iv. Sustaining current efforts at manufacturing indigenous vehicles, through
government and private sector initiatives.
v. Promoting research on, and development of road construction materials.

i. Complete modernization of the system through the replacement of narrow
gauge, rolling stock, coaches and locomotives to make it competitive as
the railway system is the most efficient mass transit system.
ii. An integrated road transport and railways system to eliminate traffic
congestion, wear and tear of the roads.
iii. Construction of more rail line with standard gauge for intra and intercity
rail networks and to area presently unconnected.
iv. The adaptation of the iron and steel complex for the production of rail
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No 11, Mathatman Gandhi Street, Area 11 Garki, Abuja
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