Keep Praying for Nigeria, People In Govt – Ajadi, Sannu Sheu Admonish Nigerians

The Chairman of Bullion Records, Ambassador Olufemi Ajadi Oguntoyinbo and the Chief Tofseer of Ilorin Emirate Al- Adaby, Alfa Usman Sannu Sheu have called on Nigerians to continue praying for the progress and the goodness of Nigeria.  


They said Nigerians also need to constantly pray for leaders in government, saying their actions and inactions will definitely affect the people of the country.


  Ajadi, who was the Ogun state governorship candidate of the New Nigeria People’s Party (NNPP) in the 2023 general elections equally advised the leaders to focus more on the masses.


  According to Ajadi, “I will call on Nigerians to keep praying for Nigeria because what we need in this country is prayer and also to be praying for our leaders.


  “If we have the mindset of praying for our leaders, I am very sure God will touch their hearts and they will begin to know what the masses are clamouring for.


  “So, I will urge the masses to keep praying purposely because of this season of Ramadan and I know God will answer our prayers.


  “They have a lot of things to do for the masses because the masses are currently going through excruciating suffering”, Ajadi said .


  He called on the Federal Government to create Vocational Centres across the 774 local government areas in the country for the youths to be engaged.


  “On the 1st of January this year, you know I advised Nigerian leadership to go and make sure that they open Vocational Centres so that the citizens especially the youths will be empowered.


  “This will really help because those that are jobless will have something doing. If the government can do this in all the 774 local government areas in the country, it will help the government to secure a lot of jobs for the youths.


  “With this in place, the youths will not be engaged in bad things. They will be engaged and be doing something to keep themselves busy instead of lazy around and becoming the willing tools in the hands of the devil.


  “If governments fail to provide jobs for the youths, they should not forget that 2027 is around the corner and everyone’s eye is open now.


  “The purpose of government is to provide jobs for the people. Government must therefore empower the youths”, Ajadi said.


  Also speaking, the Guest Speaker at the Lecture, the Chief Tofseer of Ilorin Emirate Al- Adaby, Alfa Usman Sannu Sheu said the Country’s leaders needed to do four things to succeed.


  “One is that they should return to God. Invite God to guide their decisions. Secondly, is that the subsidy removed from the petroleum products should be used to assist the masses. Thirdly, they should continually think of the welfares of the governed. Giving huge money to the governors to supply palliatives to the citizens is not the solution.


  “They should increase the pay of the civil servants, once the people working with governments are well paid, the country will be better. Fourthly, they should always seek the prayers of Nigerians.


  “We should be praying for the people in government. Nobody should curse our leaders and the country. If we curse the people in government, it will come back to us. We should just be praying for our leaders and it shall be well for our country”, Alfa Sheu said.


  Speaking while delivering his lecture titled, “Submit Yourself To Who God Has Shown Mercy To”, Alfa Sheu said God put people in position of leadership and the best thing is for everyone to accept God’s decision


  “Leadership is through God. It has nothing to do with age, place of birth or the position in the family. God chooses the leader and we don’t have choice but to accept whoever God has put in position of leadership”, Alfa Sheu said.


  The lecture which was spiced with music saw musicians like Alhaji Kehinde Oriyomi, Alhaja Ashabi Modinat Barrytide, Femo Lancaster and Tope Indomie entertained the crowd.


  Guests at the lecture include, Ogun NNPP Public Relations Officer, Kehinde Olowu, South West Publicity Secretary of the NNPP, Hon Kilamuwaye Badmus, Hon. Modaowoni, Senator Teluwo among others.


  TAGS: Ajadi, Ramadan Lecture, Sannu

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